Hey everyone,
I participated at a poetry competition and the winner will be read in public at a big event in Germany. It would be really nice if you could support and vote for my poem: New Zealand - my gate to paradise.
You can also vote from the same facebook-account as often as you know e-mail-addresses and names from your family, friends or yourselves.
Please share this request and vote for me.
Thank you so much!
I participated at a poetry competition and the winner will be read in public at a big event in Germany. It would be really nice if you could support and vote for my poem: New Zealand - my gate to paradise.
You can also vote from the same facebook-account as often as you know e-mail-addresses and names from your family, friends or yourselves.
Please share this request and vote for me.
Thank you so much!
Vestibulum malesuada vehicula magna sit amet auctor. Aliquam cursus molestie volutpat. Nam sit amet nunc urna.
Meine lieben Leser,
New Zealand Educated - Germany hat einen Gedichtwettbewerb für die Frankfurter Buchmesse ausgeschrieben. Dieses Jahr steht sie unter dem Zeichen meines Gastlandes Neuseeland. Ich habe mich mit einem Gedicht daran beteiligt. Wenn ihr möchtet folgt dem Link, sucht das Gedicht "my gate to paradise". Sollte es euch gefallen würde ich mich freuen wenn ihr euch an dem Voting beteiligt, mir eure Stimme gebt und es mit anderen Freunden teilt ("sharen").
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung !
Eure Franzi
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