at 6:20am we were all sooo tired already !
This morning we walked to the huge Eureka Skydeck. Up at floor 88 we were rewarded by an amazing sight over Melbourne.
Ms Kelly at the world's highest post box
There, at the very roof of the city, we unpacked our instruments and played pieces by Offenbach, Sibelius, Norman and Dvorak and we were even filmed for TV ! It was so much fun, but the glass wall distracted me sometimes from my music stand.
Later as it was opened to the public we were allowed to go on the famous skydeck edge, a glassbox that goes out of the building into the air then suddenly the walls get clear and you stand over Melbourne. Lie down for the absolute best sight down !
But whatever the others say, of course it was fun, but not scary at all !
After a short Lunch break we headed towards our first workshop with a few players from the MSO.
After we sang our little Maori song and went back to our places (I had the (bad) luck to sit next to one of them right for the first and most difficult piece), the Australian musician actually asked me to translate what we had sung... ehm... I actually can't speak Maori...
Ciara and her violin
After 3 full hours of hard rehearsal we were all very exhausted, but our day wasn't finished yet, for we went to the Town Hall to watch the Enigma Variations from the front row. The players are really good, but the evening was a bit long...
On saturday, the 28. of September, we took our breakfast at 8.00am to be in time for Jam Sessions of which we watched the first one and actually played the 2nd time together with a few musicians from the MSO and some little children. It was really quite boring to play scales, clap rhythms or improvise stuff... but we are probably to them what the MSO is for us, so I can't complain as the professional orchestras spare their time to teach us as well !
We hurried to our next concert at the wonderful Victoria Gallery at 2pm and performed whole 10min later. Tha hall was beautiful and the audience full and it was just great !
Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to visit the Napoleon exhibition though...
We helped carrying the shopping bags for breakfast home from the supermarket before turning off the lights at 11. All this excitement of the last days followed a free one.
Breakfast was only at 9.30am, but my room wakes me much earlier so I'm hungry !
At 11 o' clock we took the tram to Kilda park, where we played on the beach and had some time to look through the little shops there.
Afterwards we could spend 1 hour in Luna Park and it was great, but we only had time for 3 rides, not even a rollercoaster !
Claire and Ciara in the tram
James 1 and 2
A free day followed of course a free evening, but I practiced violin anyway... privately. It was a great day like every other one here, too !
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