
Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012

Violin Exam

It is not too bad to wake up though on the 15.10.12... after these loooong holidays.
I went straight to Rhonda Brodie who said I should come back the next year after I finished my Year 10 in Germany, because if I would come back straight away (throughout the NZ Year) I wouldn't be able to play in the orchestra or sing with the choirs. IF I would be able to come back...
In PMU I rehearsed for Thais on the violin, tomorrow is my exam already ! Scary...
Throughout my singing lesson afterwards I got a few new duets and we also decided on my application songs for the Robert Schumann Hochschule as "Jungstudent". That means that whilst I'll still be at school I will get singing and theory lessons at this university and a secured place for later on. I hope I get in, that would be so amazing !
I was in time for my rehearsal with my pianist Keiko at 8.20am on tuesday but somehow she doesn't have my music and would not be able to sightread it and be ready for tomorrow... so I went to Mr Hurley and he remembers that he I gave them to him but hasn't seen them since so I will only have to play on friday with another pianist. Then I had Outdoor: apparently we have a Mountainbike Trip tomorrow afternoon but I am supposed to sing in SMP so that won't work. Because of that I will go with the other class in the morning. Then in Performance Music Mr Hurley said he has found a new accompanist for tomorrow morning (so I won't have a long rehearsal beforehand like everyone else !). Now I had to wait an hour for Mr Christeller to tell him I'm sorry, I can't go with the other class as well. So I will only have 2 bike trips... so tiring ! :(
At least I had a good rehearsal with my pianist Gabriel...!
Later at Lunch I went to a Maths Tutorial for the first time where a ear 13 boy explains me the basics of differentiation very patiently. I was relieved that it was not actually too embarassing as I always thought asking for help with school stuff would be.... And he said: she's German, she's smart. :)
Sadly we have no more CYO after I have missed the last concert of "The Planets" for Melbourne. Apparently most people have to prepare for their end of year exams now... :(
So as practice I played Thais for Lisa's parents on skype...
After Form on wednesday I went straight to M-Block instead of Drama because I thought I could practice my violin a bit, but I met Mr Hurley and Rosie so we started to rehearse together immediately. She's an ex-Burnsider and really good !!! We also had a perfect run! My exam was at 10.20am and I was soooo nervous, but not as much as i thought I would be or like I was at my singing exam earlier this year.
Renaud and Petch judged me and I think I went a bit out of tune a few times, but it was alright.... will get Merit or something... hopefully.
In Outdoor I watched the others prepare for their bike ride and I have to stay for SMP... :(
At Lunch I visited the Philosophy Club instead for the first time. I didn't say a lot, but it was very interesting to listen, about soul, life after death, cloning...
If I would have added 4 lines to my English Mocks essay and I would have got excellence !
In SMP I sang "Solvejgs Song" (Mr Atlas said it was perfect, only a bit too quiet. And such a compliment from him !!!) and "When I look at you" (nice, but I need more belt for high notes).
I fought only one match that afternoon with my Foil.

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Camping in Spencer Park

Just back from Melbourne and off I am again, but this time only to Spencer Park with my family in the days from the 11th to the 13th of October.
We get woken up at 8.30am and after everyone has packed the remaining things (the trailer was full !) we were off at 10.30am, even a bit earlier than planned ! 30 minutes later we arrived at Spencer Park.
Unfortunately I didn't really get to do a lot, because everyone of the kids had brought friends except me... but we visited a bird-zoo, found 1 geocache and Beth also accompanied me to the beautiful beach. Once I played Minigolf with the grandparents and visited the playground quite a few times. In the evening I played cards with the adults. Otherwise I was reading.
On saturday we had the bad luck to pack and (at home) unpack in heavy rain. But it had been such a nice week !

At 4.30pm I was brought to the Moolenaars for dinner and afterwards we looked for duets with Theo and me. We only found "Bess, you is my woman now" (but it was a bit too low for him), "One Hand One Heart" (just unison, really boring) and "All I ask of you". I could also help him with his German pronounciation for an aria competition.
I stayed until almost midnight singing and watching movies...
Now I had to tidy up and unpack the whole next day, practice violin, look for other classical duets and skype my parents.

Amina Edris and Sol3Mio

We get woken up at quarter to 4 after only 2,5h sleep !
After some packing but without even breakfast we arrive at the airport and have to wait 40 minutes before we can buy ourselves something (don't ask me why...).
Boarding was an hour late, at 9am, because the computer/TV/game... screens in the plane are not working so that these 3 next hours were horribly boring, but at least I got to sit between Ciara and Katarina. I had much fun, sleep and vegetarian food.
When arriving back in Christchurch Tim and Katy already await me there and we have a nice welcome at home and after showing all 1300 photos I made I am so tired that I went to sleep at quarter past 9 and don't wake up till quarter to 1 the next midday, that's 15hours !
The next day I only manage to bike to Linton Photography in Addington (30min) and order some Year 13 Formal pictures and to play Thais on the violin with Tim on the piano before a pretty good violin lesson. Finally I feel much more prepared for my Performance Exam in 2 weeks...


Daniel and James

It is now wednesday the 10. of October and holidays have begun. I have not much to do other than scanning the Senior Chorale music, do the washing and go to the orthodontist at 3. But in the evening we pick Theo up and go to Middleton Grange where we watch a GREAT concert with Amina Edris and Sol3Mio, just fantastic ! It sounded almost as good as Anna Netrebko's concert ! And they seemed really relaxed and were so funny... for example they had a song which they had only practiced 5 minutes ago and had the lyrics on an i-phone and passed it on to someone who then had to sing the next verse ! Or they played "paper scissors rock" about who has to play the piano or the gitarre accompaniment ! These are amazing artists !
We met Alice as well.
After the concert we had the opportunity to talk to the artists. Again the "Universität der Künste" in Berlin was praised to be very good in German opera universities... or Wales or Dunedin (in NZ).
Moolenaars invited me for dinner on saturday.
I feel a bit bad now because I took Elizabeths ticket (Theo's mum) so she didn't come to leave Theo and me alone... but it was a great evening ! Incredible, amazing, simply undescribable !

Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012

The Fellowship of the Orchestra

Again we had a free morning on the 4th of October, and it gets kind of boring with the time...
A bit later we had a short string rehearsal with Mrs Robinson, and many bowing changes...
I have new strings as well means that I have to tune again every minute !
ROASTING in this sun! 27°C...
In the afternoon we went on a 2hour boat cruise. There was not too much to see, but it was nice and windy on the open back deck and we all had to kneel down when going under the bridges !
I sang "In Dreams" for the teachers.
For dinner we went to Wagamama.

River Cruise through Melbourne 

with concertmaster Andrew

under the bridge

On the next day our relaxed sleep in was followed by a 2hour rehearsal and a 2hour concert with our whole repertoire. It was so much fun! But already Melbourne is almost over...
Do you remember I told you about the Lunch-competition ? Well, we won !
As price we get a free dessert of whatever size !
A guy called Jimmy Passaro came and sang for us with his guitar, that was quite funny !
And Senior Chorale answered with "Oculi".

Room Lunch Competition Trophy

Jimmy Passaro

It is already the last day in Melbourne and we began it with a Brunch at a pancake-restaurant. Afterwards our group visited the Victoria Markets. We roamed huge halls and bought quite a lot in only 2hours (we didn't even get to see half of it !).
Back at the hostel we all got changed into our new clothes and started out for the Hamer Hall. There we were seated in the last row at the very top to watch the Fellowship of the Ring (from the Lod of the Rings trilogy) whilst the MSO played the Soundtrack live! Beautiful, amazing! How I wished to sing with them !
In Interval I went down to the stage, but no one was there anymore. I noticed that the first violin part looked quite easy... but it might have been only that page.
I was even allowed to go backstage afterwards to meet the artists, but the singer had already gone.
We reached the hostel only at 12.30pm that night.
That was the greatest concert ever !

with Maddy before the concert

 the score

Legolas hairstyle, made by Ciara 

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

Ned Kelly and the Penguins

We are still in Melbourne, Australia.
It is Monday the 1st of October.
We were almost too late for breakfast at 7 which a string rehearsal followed with 4 MSO players. I think they talked far too much and we only played our easy pieces like Sibelius and Janacek. We could learn a lot though !
Afterwards we had to race to our concert at the BMW Edge.

VIP with Ciara

After this we literally went shopping for HOURS ! 
But something very exciting was announced that evening: a Food Quest ! We had to create our own Lunches for our room for tomorrow at the zoo and it had to be cheap and creative creative. We were only given 15minutes in the supermarket.
Later that day we went to the old Melbourne jail for the "hangman tour" after 9pm. It was dark and only a single candle spend a bit of ghostly light on the face of our guide. Pretty much everyone in our group was scared. I found it rather very interesting and sad, but not frightening. After the tour we were free to roam the very small cells, hear about Ned Kelly's execution at this very spot and even tried replicas of his armour on !
We had to leave far too early...

me in Ned Kelly's armour

his death mask

punishment cells


Before breakfast the next day we created a Koala face out of Pita bread and various vegetables for the Lunch competition before we took the bus (!) at 10.30 to Melbourne zoo, where we listened to a chamber version of Camille Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals.
Afterwards I walked around with Sarah and Andrew and in the given 4 hours we almost saw everything by racing from one place to another singing "Kookabura" (but we didn't see any !!!) and "Waltzing Mathilda".
using sunscreen with Sarah



The Libanese Restaurant, which we visited that evening, wasn't the best and we had to wait almost 2 hours for a vegetarian meal ! But we also went to a huge dessert place afterwards and it was great !Ciara did my hair to a Bauerkranz ! She is just amazing and so skilled in everything !!!


Madz, Claire and Ciara at the restaurant

We had a late breakfast but early Lunch in the central city before bussing to Philip's Island (1.5hours away). This was our music-free day. A bit sad actually... We paused at a beach and although we weren't alowed to go swimming we had lots of fun. The waves reached my shorts with COLD sea water, but it was beautifully warm and I just enjoyed this wonderful sand beach. On either side of the road we now saw pinguin holes or wild wallabies ! We were on our way to the so called Penguin Parade which we reached an hour later, but only seats at the very back were free. Soonish many people left anyway and I got to sit at the very front where I could see little blue penguins only 2m away! CUTE! (Sorry, no pictures allowed...) On the wooden walkway back penguins are all around and even under us! And of course suitable to this day we watched Happy Feet on the bus trip back, but I was just too tired...