Just back from Melbourne and off I am again, but this time only to Spencer Park with my family in the days from the 11th to the 13th of October.
We get woken up at 8.30am and after everyone has packed the remaining things (the trailer was full !) we were off at 10.30am, even a bit earlier than planned ! 30 minutes later we arrived at Spencer Park.
Unfortunately I didn't really get to do a lot, because everyone of the kids had brought friends except me... but we visited a bird-zoo, found 1 geocache and Beth also accompanied me to the beautiful beach. Once I played Minigolf with the grandparents and visited the playground quite a few times. In the evening I played cards with the adults. Otherwise I was reading.
On saturday we had the bad luck to pack and (at home) unpack in heavy rain. But it had been such a nice week !
At 4.30pm I was brought to the Moolenaars for dinner and afterwards we looked for duets with Theo and me. We only found "Bess, you is my woman now" (but it was a bit too low for him), "One Hand One Heart" (just unison, really boring) and "All I ask of you". I could also help him with his German pronounciation for an aria competition.
I stayed until almost midnight singing and watching movies...
Now I had to tidy up and unpack the whole next day, practice violin, look for other classical duets and skype my parents.
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