
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

To my dear friends in NZ

Now, after about 5 months being back to my old life I should be able to consider my feelings. Indeed time is healing the sorrow about my departure from New Zealand, but I will always Keep my memories. Still I feel very connected to the people on the other side of the world I learned to love. I can't just close a door and start a new section of my life and I don't want to either. Luckily today there are so many ways of communicating. Obviously it's not the same as being with people, but it still connects us like a rope. Hopefully it will always stay like that; I will always think of you and remember how wonderful you are. We have to see each other again ! Why on earth did I have to go to the other side of the world, that doesn't really help organising a visit.


Nach nun mehr als 5 Monaten wieder in der Heimat sollte ich in der Lage sein meine Gefühle sortieren zu können.
Tatsächlich ist es so, dass die Zeit den Trennungsschmerz mildert.
Doch keine Zeit vermag mir die Erinnerungen zu nehmen.
Immer noch verspüre ich die starke Zuneigung zu meinen liebgewonnen Menschen in Neuseeland.
Abschließen mit der Sache , also die Tür schließen und eine Neue öffnen, dass kann und möchte ich nicht. Zum Glück gibt es heute so viele Möglichkeiten miteinander in Verbindung zu bleiben, diese stellen aber keinen wirklichen Ersatz dar.
Aber wenn man sich schreibt oder telefoniert, ist man wie durch ein unsichtbares Band miteinander verbunden. So soll es für eine Ewigkeit bleiben, ich werde immer an euch denken !
Alle Menschen die mich in NZ begleitet haben, sind mir sehr wichtig geworden und ich habe jeden Einzelnen so lieb gewonnen.
Das Ergebnis daraus kann nur sein, dass wir uns eines Tages unbedingt wiedersehen müssen.
Auch wenn die Reise an "den Anfang der Welt" so beschwerlich ist.
Aber nichts kann mich abhalten, ich finde den Weg zurück.

Dear family:
Thank you that I was allowed to be with you.
Thanks for everything you did with and for me and for the lovely
time we had.
Thanks for showing me how it is to have 3 little sisters, for the Milo
in the evenings and for integrating me so much into your Family.
Thank you for your love, support and kindness.
I could never have found a better family than you !
Also thank you just for being there when I needed you.
And I still need you !

Dear friends:
Thank you for being as friendly and openhearted as you all were and
for integrating me well in your everyday life.
Thanks for our support and for the many beautiful and happy experiences I was allowed to share with you.

Dear Ciara:
I could not describe with words how much I miss you. You were my 2nd big sister and my best friend. You have helped me so many times, made me laugh, helped me organise my own party... I don't kn ow what I would have done without you ! I can recall so many wonderful moments with you by my side. We are so similar and yet different and I feel I can always trust you and that we will never be completely separated
from each other.
Thank you for all that and most of all for being yourself.  <3

I would like to thank all the people who accompanied me throughout the year and made it to something unique and fantastic.

Ich danke allen Menschen, die mich in diesem Jahr begleitet haben und die es zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis gemacht haben.

Hopefully we will stay in contact for a very very long time. You are the highlights of a wonderful year and I'll always be grateful for that.

Ich hoffe, dass wir für immer in Kontakt bleiben und uns nie ganz aus den Augen verlieren. Ihr seid die Höhepunkte in einem wundervollen
Jahr gewesen und das werde ich in meinen Erinnerungen immer
bei mir tragen.

Milin cen or gurieb, mellon!

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