
Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013

Under the cabbage trees

here are the highlights of the opera "Under the cabbage trees"
by my friend Daniel Sun featuring Theo and me
at the Night of Original Music.
The opera is about a girl whose father is dying from cancer, there is a boy who likes her (but she doesn't even know he's there) and her friend lost her cardigan. It is set in Burnside High School.
Hope you like it,

hier sind die Höhepunkte aus Daniel Sun's Oper
"Under the cabbage trees",
gesungen von Theo und mir.
Die Oper handelt von einem Mädchen, dessen Vater an Krebs erkrankt ist, einem Jungen, der sie mag (sie weiß gar nicht, dass er da ist) und ihrer Freundin, die ihre Strickjacke verloren hat.
Die Handlung spielt in der Burnside High School.
Hoffentlich gefällt es euch,

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