
Dienstag, 26. März 2013

My final move

The following day I woke up at 7.30am and got a ride to the Airport. I even arrived there before the Mitchells !
No, it wasn't my time to fly back home yet, but my lovely host family went to visit their family in south africa over the holidays and I was there for a final goodbye. We talked about everything (not the farewell), before they had to finally check in at 10am. It was such a sad goodbye and there were many tears, hugs and kisses.
It's times like these that I thought that it would have been so much easier to just stay at home in Germany, but on the other hand I would have missed millions of of experiences. No, it was perfectly right to come out here for a year. It shouldn't have been any shorter !
When the Mitchells had disappeared from my sight I met Katarina by chance and together we waited for her parents to arrive for a visitfrom Germany. How I'd love to greet my own parents here and show them my life.
Anyway I was back at Ciara's at noon and we had the pancakes she had made earlier that morning.
We also went swimming afterwards in Jellie Park before, back at home, I gave my best friend her presents: a painting, a photo-calendar, CDs from Celtic Woman and baking stuff from Germany.
The Moolenaars picked me up at 5pm. I will stay with them the last days before I have to take my flight back.
First we took their dog Libbie to swim at Pegasus Lake and we walk-raced round ourselves. Dinner was only at 10pm and I was soooooooooo tired !!!

The following day, after a little sleep in, we all went to watch Theo's church concert though he only sang 1 song.
We took the doggie around Avonhead Park and the rest of the day I spent reading, playing piano, rehearsing Songs for my competition in January (trying to learn 14 of them off by heart) and watching "Love Actually".

On sunday the 16th of December we took Libbie to Sumner Beach. I was remembering being there with Emma for the first time and then my Surfing lesson... I will miss this beautiful scenery !
A little after I went to meet Anna Ahn and Ciara at Riccarton. We went to a chocolate bar and had a nice chat. :)
Theo and I sang "All I ask of you" for my mum on Skype that evening and we ate the wild cherries from the gate.

Slowly it got too hot.
I couldn't even sleep well anymore and just spend most of the day reading in hammock in the garden with Marcella, Theo and Libbie for company.
Today was also my final Meeting with my school-friend Jacinta at the Mall. Afterwards the whole Family and me decorated our christmas tree together. It was warmer than 35°C !!!
In the evening I was so melted that I called Ciara and we went out for another swim.

On monday I went out for Lunch with Mrs Brodie, Head of the International Department at Burnside, and we talked about School here or in Germany and my Musical career later on. In the end she dropped me home again with the words:
Go before I have to cry ! :)

with Rhonda Brodie

The Moolenaars went to watch the Hobbit at 5.30pm, this time in 3D. It's so awesome !!! I don't know why they make us wait for the 2nd part a whole year.
I gave the Moolenaars presents in the evening (a cooking book, a CD of a German tenor, fairy lights and a book about Germany) and in return got hugs from everybody and kisses from Libbie. :D
This was my last full day in Chch ! :'(

I packed again, one final time.
Theo walked me 3o minutes to Avonhead Mall to get my Hobbit-stamps and afterwards we went to play sqash with Marcella because I didn't want to spend my last day inside. It was real fun and I was also pretty good at it.
The others have more practice though...
After a cold shower it was time to leave for Christchurch airport at 5.45pm.

 Location for our lovely Music evenings

Our a bit lopsided but REAL Christmas tree!

 Christmas lights

 The Squash hall

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