
Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

Ciara's visit

Ciara and her mum returned my visit on monday the 29th April. They arrived at about 1pm with the Train and my parents picked them up for coffee and cake before I was picked up from school as well.
I showed them around our flat and after her mum had left again Ciara, mum and I played... well, guess... yes, board games !
My parents were so glad to meet them, too !

On tuesday Ciara and I went to school together: I had Philosophy, Religion, History, German and PE (volleyball). She told me she found it very interesting and the students and teachers were nice and interested, but she would not like to have to go to school in Germany permanently because our lessons are so complex and difficult. I can definitely understand that !
Afterwards we went to a big creative shop. Ciara was very excited because there isn't such a big arts shop in Christchurch anymore. Dinner was at Vapiano, my very favourite restaurant.

at the mall

my school

After a little sleep in we skype Claire in NZ before we went to the high ropes course. It was a lot of fun, but we had to wait a very long time before we could start climbing.
The evening was the highlight: the Musical "Starlight Express" in Bochum. We hadn't told Ciara where we were going so she did not know anything until it had started. We both loved it !!!

the "train museum"... the Musical.

Her train left early on thursday. We brought her to the station to another goodbye. The worst one actually.
I wasn't able to concentrate much in school afterwards and in the evening I just cried. Of course we texted until she had left Germany.
A bit of New Zealand had come here and now she was gone again and it was worse than before.
At least my parents are now thinking about visiting NZ in July 2014. Wouldn't that be awesome ???

So one of the best things of my stay in NZ is, that I have found a friend for my whole life.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Viele Menschen treten in ein Leben,
    aber nur wenige hinterlassen Spuren in unseren Herzen,

    Jeder Mensch eröffnet uns eine neue Welt,
    die erst durch die Begegnung mit ihm geboren wird

    und wenn uns der Mensch als Freund verlässt sind es diese Spuren die schmerzen, aber bedenke immer:

    Entfernung kann zwar Freunde trennen,
    doch wahre Freundschaft trennt sie nie.

    Der Abstand der sie trennt hat keine Bedeutung denn
    sich nahe zu sein ist Sache des Herzens und die wahre Lebenskunst besteht darin, im Alltäglichen das Wunderbare zu sehn...

    Darum gehe deinen Weg und nimm dir Zeit für die Freude
    bevor die Zeit dir deine Freude nimmt!.

    Wir sollten immer der Menschen gedenken die uns wichtig sind und wichtig waren denn so lang wir in Erinnerung behalten was war, wird es nicht vergehen und wir werden einen Teil des Menschen den wir verloren haben in unseren Seelen tragen wie eine immerwährende Glut welche immer wieder die Flamme der Hoffnung aufs Neue in uns entzündet.

    Maria Mittermayr
